Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The nerve!

Sorry it's been so long bloggees! I've missed you! Especially Ann- if you're reading this, please don't hate me :)

So basically, I need to vent. So that's what I'mma be doing in this post. Venting. If you don't want to listen to me vent, feel free to leave now :) No hard feelings.

So yesterday, I got my overall mark for English. It dropped from a 85 to a 83, which isn't that bad when you think about it. I mean half of the class is failing, so I think it's pretty good. So I showed it to my mom, who happens to be a typical semi-Indian parent, no matter how hard she tries not to, and it went something like this:
"Hey mom, look at my English mark."
"WHAT? What happened to the 85?"
"Nothing. 83's pretty good though."
"No it isn't. You should be getting 90's, 100's, 110's. There's always room for improvement."
"Um, you should be happy, the class average is 43."
"SO? You should be getting 1000's!"
"Fine then. Maybe instead of volunteering at the library tomorrow night I should stay home and study, for nothing. CAUSE I HAVE NOTHING TO STUDY FOR!!"
"That's nice honey. Don't you have a drama presentation tomorrow to practice for?"
Heh, convenient how she remembers things when they work in honor of her. I've never really liked my mom. I want to move in with my dad. Maybe once I'm done high school....

And then if that wasn't bad enough, today, I found out that this girl has been talking shit about me.
Now, let me give you some background info on her:
I'm gonna call her K - her first initial.
I've known her for 2-3 years now, and in that time span, she's always had a boyfriend. Not that same one either, like, 5 or 6 different ones. Which I think is pretty bad. We're only freshmen -EEK!
And she's also very pretty - I won't lie. But her boobs are like, totally fake. God. And she's kinda smart. Academically, she's quite above average, like me, but most of the time she acts like a ditz. And she's always talking about bullshit. Like phones or manicures or sports - she's extremely athletic too - or boys or bra sizes, the last is actually the one she talks about most :/
And she likes acting, like me. Well, not as much as me. But yeah. Earlier this year we were in a play together and we both auditioned for the main role, we were the only two, and she got it. And it was her first time ever being in a play. Whereas it was my 3rd or 4th. 
So, to recap, K is everything I'm not, pretty much. She's better than me. I get it. I've accepted it. No biggie. Not that I'd want to have a ton of boyfriends and boobs so big they look fake.
 Anyways, getting on with it. A friend of mine, unfortunately sits behind her in English, so they were talking about their marks today. The same one that my mom got pissed at me for. And K was talking to my friend, and according to my friend it went like this:
K: I probably have the highest mark in the class, again. 89, pretty high (seriously, she talks like that)
My Friend (let's call her Z) : I wouldn't be so sure, Ritz is pretty smart too, and English is like, her home turf.
K: Ugh, Ritz. She's such an attention hog, and everytime I pass her a ball or something in gym she'll be like "EEEE" And she's always in frickin crisis mode everytime we do a test in this class. Like what the fuck is that all about?
Z: o_O
Me? An attention hog? I sit in the back of the class, in my dark clothing, with a book every single day, refusing to talk to anyone. What the heck? And the "EEE" thing? I mean, yeah, I do that sometimes, but only because things catch me off guard, and some people in our classes think it's pretty damn funny! And Crisis Mode? Yeah, so what? Like she isn't freaked out about our tests? That lying bitch.
And people still come up to me (well the ones who know) and our like "Hey Ritz, why did you try to kill yourself?" and then I'll tell them that everyone judged me and that I was bullied and they'll be like "What? By who?" and I'll tell them that it was people like K and they'll be like "K? But she's so nice!" And I'll be like "Shoot me now..."

So that's why I'm pissed. I mean, I'm like a worm in the high school food chain, so why would the cheetah at the top feel the need to push me down even more? And she acts like she's the shit and she knows everything about everyone. It's like "Um, no you don't. You don't know shit about me bitch." To her I'm some, attention-hogging, annoying, little kid. She's the same fucking age as me. Just because I don't have a boyfriend who's a Junior, doesn't make me any less younger than you. In fact, I think it makes me more mature because I don't need a douchebag to make me happy.

Now, I feel bad about trash talking her, but I need to get it out one way or another, and I doubt she's in to blogs: "Blogs are for gay people." Yeah, you know what, she's right. I'm gay. Somewhat. Bisexual. So what? (yet another secret I have to live with- I can't come out to the people around me, I'll get shit everywhere I go - as if I don't get enough already)

But yeah, there's my rant. You don't have to pay attention to it. Doesn't matter. You don't even have to read it. It's all good.