Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Joker and the Thief

I needed something to name today's blog, and I really like that song, it's by Wolfmother. My friend told me about it - you know who you are. 
OOHHH, It's Andrew Garfield!!!! How old do you think he is? I'll tell you at the end of this blog. Also, yes, he is the guy in the picture, he is British and he is going to be in the new Spiderman movies! Isn't that awesome??? My favourite actor playing my favourite superhero and he's from one of my favourite places on Earth! Well, I hope it'd be on Earth, last time I checked this is the only planet I've been too :P
So, today. Nothing good has happened. I saw that I've got 8 views. Yay! Yes, I know it's like, nothing, but whatever. Everything good has to start somewhere, correct?
Hmm.... so.... I guess I'll tell you about myself. Basic introduction and all that stuff.... how about I just copy out my profile on That'd make more sense. Hold on a second while I do that.....
So, I'm me. And obviously, you're you. Now that that's sorted out: I'm supposedly like C3PO, because I am a drama queen, and I'm also the "Angel of Dreams and Fantasies and other psychological related things" :D Umm, yeah. My parents are from England so I use British expressions sometimes. I live in Canada, so I spell things with u's sometimes :P  I have a weird sense of humour, like puns and such, so yeah. I'm also often sarcastic. I love Meg Cabot, Tim Burton, Edgar Allan Poe, and Sarah Dessen.
Name: Ritz, kinda obvious
Country: I'm Canadian, eh?
Likes: Reading, writing, listening to music, acting, watching "The Social Network" for hours on end, etc.
Favourite Music Genre: Punk, Alternative, some rock, I don't even know :S
Favourite Bands and such: All Time Low, Paramore, Green Day, the cast of Glee, The Beatles! Steven Tyler, kind of, lots of things and I will not take up your time but typing them all here :)
Favourite TV shows: Big Brother!!! Glee!!!!! Big Bang Theory!!!!!!!!!
Favourite Movies: The Social Network! 500 Days of Summer! Step Up- or anything with dancing!! Anything Tim Burton! Specially Corpse Bride!
Favourite Books: Unwind, Just Listen, Fat Chance, The Princess Diaries, Lots of things! And Just Listen by Sarah Dessen (I'll probably do book reviews on awesome books like these on here too)
Dislikes: Clowns, red hair dryers, unrealistic scenarios, bugs, ceiling fans, other stuff
Favourite Videogames: Anything with that Italian plumber guy! Yes, I mean Mario! And I like watching people play role playing stuff, like The Legend of Zelda
Religion: Atheist, ooohhh, bet you didn't see that coming, did ya?
Favourite Fruit: Oranges, I like to suck ze juice of of them like a vampire!!!!
Celebrity Crush: Andrew Garfield!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *drifts off the fantasy land*

Let's see.... what else is there? Well, there's book reviews. Maybe I'll do movie and CD reviews too, yes, I still buy CD's. I know, and I have a discman, deal with it!!!!  And I like to write, so check out the sites below:

So, I hope this blog isn't total crap, that'd be pretty sad. I do not know what happened there :/  Demented typing issues I guess, watch them not even show up once I publish this :P Ughhh... I hate things like that!  By the way, Andrew's 27, I bet you were way off, huh? Unless you already knew :P Do you think it's illegal to date someone 14 years younger than you? ;)

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